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Judaism 101
How to live your best Jew life
Intro to Judaism - Foundations of Judaism I
POV: you’re working out your Jew muscles. This is CTeenU and it’s the fundamentals of living your best life as a Jew. Find out where your kindness gene comes from (hint: the first Jews ever) and try to wrap your head around the infinitely unknowable G-d out there. Cover mitzvot 101, like kosher, mezuzah, tefillin, and prayer, then take a quick stop for all things homeland before getting schooled in all things Jewish holiday. Love this journey for ya!
Lesson 1
Let the fam begin
Avraham & Sarah
Lesson 2
The CEO of Everything
Meet G-d
Lesson 3
Mitzvah vibes
613 ways to connect
Lesson 4
Keep it kosher
Bussin’ soul food
Lesson 5
Mezuzah culture
The Jewish security system
Lesson 6
Talking Tefillin
Why wrap the straps
Lesson 7
Get this bread
Building with Tzedakah
Lesson 8
Say less
Praying from the heart
Lesson 9
Be more like Shabbat
High-key weekly rest
Lesson 10
Get woke
Understanding Israel
Lesson 11
Matzah marathon
Lesson 12
Huts & Cheese
Sukkot and Shavuot
Lesson 13
The miracle flex
Purim and Chanukah
Lesson 14
Soul Self Care
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
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